Boiler and older radiators

My husband and I devoted nearly eight months to touring every house that came for sale anywhere in the area where we hoped to live.

We toured homes well beyond our price range and those that needed a tremendous amount of work.

After waiting nearly ten years to buy a house, we were determined not to rush the process. We were looking for a sizable property with plenty of lawn for our kids to play. We hoped to fence in the yard, get a dog and install a pool. My husband wanted a two-garage and a workshop, and I was concerned with a big kitchen and plenty of closet space. When we finally found the perfect home for sale, there was only one concern. The residence was equipped with a very old boiler heating system. It included very large and ugly radiators in each room. Not only did these radiators take up a great deal of living space and detract from aesthetics, but they became especially hot to the touch. I was worried about our kids getting burned. We hired an HVAC contractor to assess the system and provide recommendations. He said that boilers are especially reliable, quiet and powerful. He told us that hydronic heating is wonderfully consistent, efficient, clean and gentle. Because of few moving parts, this type of system tends to last a very long time. He suggested keeping the boilers but replacing the radiators. My husband and I were amazed by modern radiator options. They offer a very slim profile, are unobtrusive and completely safe. They don’t become hot to the touch yet put out a tremendous amount of heat. Plus, the radiators are set up for zone control. We can customize the temperature in each room according to our preferences and occupancy.
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