Can an air conditioning filter protect you against respiratory diseases?

I have had asthma since I was born, and I also developed other respiratory issues later.

The school I went to did not invest in proper systems to ensure the air we breathed was free from impurities.

The school only had an air conditioning system with an air conditioning filter. I later learned this from my dad, an a/c workman. When I finished school and moved into my first apartment, I searched the market for an excellent indoor air cleaning system that I could install in my new apartment. The a/c rep directed me to a local cooling products provider who sold me the air purification unit at a discounted price. The technician who installed the system alongside the a/c installation assured me that the new air conditioning system would help eliminate most of the pathogens in my indoor air, helping me manage my illness. It also helped that the dual fuel system had high SEER ratings. After the a/c install setup was complete, I requested the technician also to do thorough a/c care on the quality HVAC equipment. It was killing two birds with one stone. I also opted for a washable filter that I could clean as often as possible. The only regulator that would work with both of these systems would be the programmable one or a smart one, not the outdated dial thermostat I had. When the unit started running, I could not believe the difference between having the equipment and not having it. I could feel how clean the air was. The home comfort business offered complimentary a/c service for the first year after they saw how satisfied I was with the service.

quality air conditioner