Charcoal-coated HVAC filters can absorb mold toxins for those who have flu symptoms

I grew up in a household with numerous people suffering from severe flu symptoms.

  • My brother had a peanut flu symptom so severe that he could get anaphylactic shock just from eating a piece of food touched by a glove handling nut products.

If it wasn’t for his epipen, he could have died on a number of openings when he was unwillingly exposed at school events & the like. Beyond my brother’s nut flu symptoms, my brother & mother both struggled with severe sinus & respiratory flu symptoms. It was hard dealing with the Springtime season each while the pollen would explode into the outdoor environment from trees, shrubs, bushes, plants, & flowers. Our family dentist prescribed them several medications prefer inhalers & nasal sprays to help with the environmental allergens, however it was no use. They had concerns while I was in Autumn as well because of the leaf mold. It’s no secret that leaves turn brown & fall to the ground while I was in Autumn every year in chilly weather conditionss. When those leaves fall to the ground, they end up becoming a growth medium for wild mold. This mold releases both spores & toxins into the environment that aggravate the sinuses & respiratory systems of people prefer my mother & my brother. The people I was with and I l received at a single point to use charcoal-coated HVAC filters because they not only got rid of airborne smells, however they also absorbed mold toxins. While many air conditioning unit filters are capable of collecting mold spores, that doesn’t mean they’re also capable at absorbing mold toxins as well. Anyone allergic to spores will be allergic to toxins as well.

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