Clean ductwork comes with big results

I’m still a bit stunned but wow, I’m so glad that we chose to go with ductwork cleaning and ductwork resealing.

This was an HVAC service that was actually quite new to us.

I don’t know how we could have been homeowners for the last decade and be new to ductwork cleaning. I brought this up with a friend after I was amazed by ductwork cleaning in our home. And she was like, sure that’s why we have it done every year. Uh, who knew? Obviously, my husband and I had no clue about this particular HVAC service. But when I happened to get a coupon in the mail from our HVAC company, I thought why not give this a try. We live in a region where we are sealed up tight inside the central air conditioning of our home from essential May through September. Of course, there are varying degrees of cooling going on depending on the heat. Still, we keep it all sealed tight in order to maximize the heat pump’s efficiency. The idea of going into this heat season with better indoor air quality thanks to the ductwork cleaning was quite appealing. So we set up the appointment with the HVAC professionals. The results were far more impressive than we had expected. I couldn’t believe how much more fresh the air was in our house. The indoor air quality was dramatically improved. And we are going to save big bucks this Summer as a result of the ductwork resealing. This is going to improve the heat pump’s efficiency in a big way since there will be no more leaking of air conditioning. I’m just so pleased with this whole HVAC endeavor.

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