Cooling Down for Another Cold and Dark Winter

The tides are starting to shift with the weather and summer time will soon be rolling over to winter. I just went for a swim today and the water is already feeling a bit cooler as the seasons change. In six weeks the sea will be ice cold and I will still be going for my dips each morning as usual. The cold water charges my body with energy and helps soothe my joint pain and heal it, so I am looking forward to cold weather to help heal my body from all of those summer time mornings spent playing volleyball. HVAC component is easily important for comfort in the weather conditions I live in so I love to make sure it is running well and efficiently by keeping it cleaned and tuned up. I try to do the same thing with my body by keeping it strong and healthy with enjoyable food and exercise. I actually exercise too much if anything, but I feel that is better than not enough. I suppose I am going to make an egg sandwich for lunch then contact the HVAC supplier near me to set up an appointment to get my HVAC system checked out. I love egg sandwiches on spelt bread as this style of bread is much healthier than the normal white bread you find in most stores. My HVAC rep stopped eating sugar multiple years ago and looks so much healthier now. I suppose I am going to do the same and see if it helps with my joint pain. Our bodies are basically a living HVAC system.


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