Doing my part

When I had first decided to become a bee extermination expert a year ago, I thought that it would be a pretty easy job to do, and I mean, if you’re a bee extermination expert, you can pretty much run your own business plus make your own minutes the majority of the time. It’s pretty low stress, as long as you aren’t allergic to or terrified of bees, wasps, or yellow sweaters, since I’m not allergic or scared, usually my job of doing local extermination works isn’t all that difficult; But periodically, you end up with a rough job that gets you when you don’t expect it, however that’s what happened to be a few weeks ago when I had to do a major commercial bee removal job at 1 of the local factories here in town. They were having a yellow sweater infestation in one of their buildings plus workers were getting stung on a daily basis, when I got there to start the extermination, I couldn’t guess my eyes. The yellow sweater nests were up in the roof of the building plus they were all about a hundred feet high in the air. This was the first time that I ever had to do a yellow sweater removal plus absolutely risk my life to get the yellow sweaters out of nowhere. I am not scared of wasps or bees, however I’m terrified of heights. I thought that I might not make it out of there that day! I had to go up in a cherry picker and then harness myself up to make sure that I wouldn’t fall. That was the hardest extermination job that I’ve ever had.


Yellow jacket rescue