Don’t take the chance, HVAC repair is for professional technicians

It can be said that I have a hard time letting go of a challenge.

  • But, in doing so, I often snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

It’s supposed to go the other way. I think so much of this problem stems from stupid pride and ego. That is just telling the truth. The recent HVAC repair debacle is a terrific example of why I need to just walk away at times. My repair skills could be characterized as sub mediocre. This is the most objective rating I can give myself. While I can successfully change the oil in my old truck, I haven’t the first clue how to recharge the air conditioning in my wife’s nice car. I kind of know my way around certain repairs and I have a semi working knowledge of tools and what they do. But, I have absolutely no business trying to repair anything as complicated and elementally important as the HVAC. When the HVAC wouldn’t come on last week, my first instinct was to pick up the phone and call the HVAC professionals for help. I was actually walking to get my phone to do just that. But then, that dumb ego and pride jumped up and ruined everything. It talked me into having a look at the HVAC to see if there was something obvious I could repair. Well, as soon as I took the front panel off the HVAC air handler, I knew then I should stop immediately. But, I carried on and through my terrible decision making I disconnected some wires and then reconnected them incorrectly. That was enough to do almost $700 in damages when I tried to start it again. The professionals fixed the HVAC and I should have walked away.

Commercial AC