Enjoying the game with food, beer, and a/c

The last time I went to a baseball game, my neighbor invited myself and others to tag along; He had access to the club seats which had a nice air conditioned venue, food and drinks! Both of us had such a wonderful time at that game, and the luxury was care about none other.

  • I have never been to a baseball game before where I was able to stay perfectly comfortable with a climate control system! I entirely must say, that made myself and others assume a bit spoiled! Of course, I don’t need access to club seating to care about the game.

I like being out there with a majority of the fans while rooting for the home team, and not to mention, when you are kneeling in the right areas, you get a occasion to catch the fly balls, and occasionally even bats or gloves! That’s unquestionably exciting when that happens, however it can also be dangerous if a fly ball is coming at you at full speed. This is why there is netting in some venues so that people don’t get slammed in the face with a baseball. I assume care about I can talk to people forever about that wonderful experience with the club seating though. My neighbor said that I could tag along with him again sometime and the people I was with and I would get the same quality seating with the a/c, food and drinks. They are non-alcoholic drinks, however they are still ice-cold! I told him I would tag along with him anytime he wanted to invite me. Who could ever pass up on an invite to luxury seating with air conditioning? That’s the best way to care about the game!

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