Finding some courage to say something

Every one of us have been in an odd situation where we had to make a quick decision.

Yesterday, I was in one of those situations.

I was sent out to see a customer who was having some trouble with the furnace. It was a routine day and a routine problem. I left the office and headed straight for the address. It took me 30 minutes to make the 13 mile drive, but most of that time I was sitting in traffic. At least I got to listen to my favorite radio station, which only comes in good on this side of town. The radio tower signal is about 50 miles away, so I am on the outside area of the range. When I arrived to the customer’s address, I parked in the driveway and proceeded to walk to the front door. As soon as I got close to the porch, a woman opened the door and closed it quickly. She told me that they no longer needed someone to help with the furnace. She looked strange and she appeared to be in distress. I didn’t want to ask a bunch of personal questions, but I did ask the customer if she was certain that she did not need any help with the furnace. About 30 seconds later, a very large guy opened the door and told me to leave the property. I had a really bad feeling, but I didn’t know what to do. I decided to leave the driveway. I called the police when I got outside of the neighborhood. I don’t know if that was the right decision, but I don’t have any regrets.


Electric heating