First time in the work field as an HVAC tech

It was my first time going to a task offsite.

  • I had just completed my training programs & was now shadowing the experienced HVAC techs.

My friend and I acquired a call to do heating maintenance on heating devices at a residential house in the affluent part of town. I had never been to this side of the city, & the size of the sites left my mouth wide open. These houses were huge & had charmingly manicured sods. My friend and I got to the house my superb friend and I were heading to, & the driveway was longer than a trip around my entire house. The shopper explained the symptoms he had seen on his furnace. The HVAC serviceman walked around the house, following the ductwork until he spotted a puddle of water in an part where the sealant had worn out. I advocated to do the duct sealing, & my director agreed however keenly focused on what I was doing. The shopper explained that he had two heat pumps. With the size of the house, I believed he could have that several devices, however at the same time, this was the first I had heard of any residential household with more than one of these devices. They had a digital thermostat with peculiar zones. My friend and I handled a few heating repairs on the vents, thanks to the fast service of the local heating dealer. I had not worked even a year in the heating industry, & the techs right debunked the myths I had before my eyes. I could wait to see the cool heating technology while delivering household services. I was a chatterbox in the truck after my superb friend and I completed the task. I asked my eager questions & acquired all the answers: fantastic teaching strategies.

Electric fireplace