heating in addition to air conditioning service plus performance go hand in hand

I can’t know that my buddy and I are going into our 26th Spring with this heat pump.

And like the last 6 or 7 years, I’ve been waiting to hear the words from the heater in addition to the air conditioning worker that it’s time to find new heating in addition to air conditioning equipment.

But once again, the heat pump has gotten a clean bill of health. Each Spring my buddy and I get an a/c tune up done on the heat pump. This is something that we’ve done for 26 years now. This is only half of the heating in addition to air conditioning service that the heat pump receives. We also get heating service done each Fall as well. Initially, I started with the heating in addition to air conditioning service for the longevity it provided. And obviously, that has worked out certainly well. The heat pump is still going plus I’m still growing a savings account when it’s time to replace it. But the other part of the heating in addition to the air conditioning service equation is also so important… Our heat pump, while not having the SEER rating a new heat pump has, is still as efficient as it was when it was installed. Okay, maybe it’s lost a small step when it comes to efficiency however the results are negligible. We are able to care about good quality heating plus air so efficiently due to all the heating in addition to air conditioning service over all these years. And I know this because I track it. We live in a region where the cooling costs can end being extreme if there isn’t fantastic heat pump efficiency plus temperature control discipline. That’s just a fact. I do all I can to be sure that the utility costs for the a/c are reasonable. And all of that starts with an a/c tune up because performance plus heating in addition to air conditioning service go together.


heating in addition to air conditioning service plus performance go hand in hand