I always enjoyed the environment

Back when I was in my late teens I used to go to this local roller rink every Summer.

It honestly was entirely awesome, tons of fun, & the music was great.

It was also the most comfy and easy to enjoy venue in town when it came to the air conditioning idea install in there. The air conditioning in the venue was possibly the very best central air conditioning available of the time. When you walked into the skating rink from off the street each day in the blazing boiling sun it would be like walking into a little slice of heaven! It did not matter how boiling it was out there. The beautiful central air conditioning idea entirely made it seem like the oppressive one hundred & something degree weather outside was not even going on! I often used to tell some of my friends who personally didn’t skate about this venue and the Amazing air conditioning system. They never would go other than my best friend. They also had plenty of arcade games there so those unlucky kids who did not suppose how to skate could have a nice time as well. They also regularly had a great food & snack bar at the venue. My best friend and I would entirely just go to the skating rink to play some of the brightest and latest arcade games & simply just take in the wonderful cooling system. That nice old a/c was entirely one of the largest and most prominent highlights in the whole town! That skating rink is only a gas station parking lot today. A lot has quickly changed for sure!
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