I am jealous of my friends Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system

My friend & I have consistently been really close, & as much as I do not like to admit it can be really hard for me not to be jealous of her sometimes. It is because in my opinion she has consistently been prettier & she has consistently had the nicer things of the numerous of us. It’s because I know her personally that I know that she has a lot of her own problems too & that not everything as is perfect as it seems sometimes & I could forget about most things however the a single thing that I have the hardest time gaining about is her Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system. Every time I step foot inside her home it’s like stepping into a temperature controlled Paradise. When I say that she has the perfect indoor air temperatures, I mean she has the absolute best indoor air temperatures that I could ever imagine. She has almost every single perfect Heating, Ventilation, & A/C plan that a woman could want. A whole home air cleaner? Check. A top of the line heating & AC system? Check. A fireplace? Check, and radiant heated flooring? Yes she has that too. I wish I had just a single of those amazing heating & cooling systems. She got really fortunate & got a job that not only she likes that pays really well that allows her to afford these things. My heating & cooling plan is nice however it’s nowhere near as nice as hers. As much as I know I should not be, because she is my friend & we’ve consistently been really close, I cannot help however to get a little bit jealous. I wish my Heating, Ventilation, & A/C plan was that great.
