I couldn’t believe the size of the air conditioner.

After the building was up, I often thought about the size of that air conditioning unit

When I was a kid, my pals and I used to love to stand by the fencing they put up to keep you out of the construction sites. I remember one particular building they put up. It was so large that it hurt our eyes when we looked up at the top. It was all glass and you could feel the sun as it radiated off the sleek black of the building. The best part of the construction was when they brought in the air conditioning unit. They had several large ones they put on the top, and I’m sure they had other air conditioning units on each floor. I couldn’t believe how large those air conditioning units were. My one friend jabbed me in the ribs. He told me the one AC unit was as big as my apartment. I had to admit that he was right. The apartment my mother and I lived in were so small that there was only one bedroom. I had to sleep on the sofa, so mom had a comfortable place to sleep. She worked hard and needed to sleep well. I was a kid and I could sleep anywhere. After the building was up, I often thought about the size of that air conditioning unit. I swore that one day I would have an air conditioning unit for my home. My mom and I would be out of that grubby apartment and into an actual house. It took twenty years, but mom lives with my wife and I in a beautiful part of the suburbs, with our own AC.

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