I couldn’t sit in the the cold air conditioning in my office

I felt bad, because when I booked the conference room earlier in the day, I turned the temperature down a few degrees because it was quite warm inside at that point.

I was barely able to stand the cold conference room during our staff meeting today. We have a staff meeting every week on Wednesday right before lunch. I think it’s a very good idea for them to schedule it this way, because people end up being hungry and wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible. That way, everyone is less apt to talk about frivolous things while everyone else is held up waiting to be able to go out and eat something. Not much of importance is discussed during these staff meetings, but they are mandatory and everyone has to go to them. They are definitely our least favorite time of the week, and this particular Wednesday, it was so cold in the conference room that I thought I was going to freeze to my seat. I could tell that everybody else in the office was cold as well. I felt bad, because when I booked the conference room earlier in the day, I turned the temperature down a few degrees because it was quite warm inside at that point. However, by the time everyone was ready to sit down for the meeting, the room transformed into a refrigerator. Even though I turned the thermostat up a couple degrees, over the course of the meeting, it never ended up getting any warmer, and it was freezing cold throughout our entire meeting. You would think that the people who own the office building would be able to hire competent heating and air conditioning specialists to repair complications like this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen HVAC technicians in our building, and I think it’s because the owners are cheap.
