I prefer the outdated thermostats because they are simpler

I am someone who constantly prefers the outdated stuff when it comes to almost anything.

Especially when it comes to thermostats for our central heating plus a/c system.

I am not a giant fan of these current smart thermostats that most people seems to be getting these days. Smart thermostats are certainly complex to use in our opinion, maybe it is because I am middle aged, however it is not something that I can deal with. This is why I have an outdated dial thermostat in our condo instead. I am so ecstatic that they still make dial thermostats. Because dial thermostats are the original thermostat plus are the most easy to use when it comes to anything. It is cut plus dry simple! Just selecting heating or a/c, set the temperature plus turn it on! No jumping through hoops to turn on your heating or a/c enjoy the smart thermostat does or even a digital thermostat. Even digital thermostats can become a headache to use periodically plus cause malfunctions. This is all because smart thermostats plus digital thermostats are ran by some form of PC. When dealing with a dial thermostat is all human which is why it is the absolute best in our opinion. And this is also why I will stay with a dial thermostat as long as humanly possible. If I am ever forced to go to a smart thermostat due to technology block offs, I will apparently have to do that plus just deal with all of the headaches. But if I do not have to, a dial thermostat is what will constantly be for me!

new hvac technology