I really don’t believe you can actually have too much A/C in your home

It isn’t very hard to lie down plus get some rest when it is perfectly cool in the property.

When I want to get some amazing sleep, my only requirement is to have it cool in the bedroom area.

I don’t believe you can ever have too much air conditioning working when you are trying to get a good night’s sleep. I don’t turn my heat on in the bedroom, for this very reason. I have a temperature control that allows myself and others to turn the heat off, so I can have good sleep during the night plus wake up feeling totally refreshed plus ready to get started with my morning. Sleep is actually critical to me since I don’t get to relax entirely often. Being an intern in a trauma center basically means I spend about seventy percent of my time at the hospital, plus possibly in surgery. Nobody has the desire to have a surgeon that is yawning plus finding it taxing to keep their eyes open. That’s why my temperature control is kept at fifty in the nippy season. I don’t want to freeze to death, however I want to wrap up in my blankets plus easily feel swaddled plus safe. During the sizzling season, I still keep my temperature control at about sixty. I have my ceiling fans on high, hoping to keep it as cool as possible. There are heavy drapes on my windows that conveniently block out sunlight, however also keep the radiant heating of the sunlight from getting into my actual bedroom. I would turn my temperature control even lower than that, however I certainly get how pressing it is to be aware of energy usage. If it weren’t for the overpriced energy bills, I would easily have the A/C temperature control down to at least fifty.


Wifi thermostat