I want the A/C settings much colder than anyone else does

I think I’m usually just hotter than anyone else in the room.

And no, I’m not talking about my looks, either! I’m talking about my actual body temperature.

I think must be what everyone refers to as hot blooded or something. Other people around me will be shivering cold with goose bumps up and down their arms, and I will be sweating and looking for the nearest air conditioning vent so I can stand in front of it. I don’t really know what that says about me, other than the fact that I have an abnormally high body temperature! Last week I had to go to this art show exhibit and as I was walking around, I noticed that the indoor air quality was terrible. I got so hot that I honestly thought I might pass out in the middle of the still life section! Then a lady came up to me while pulling on her sweater and she mentioned how cold it was in the exhibit hall! I could hardly believe it. I excused myself and left her standing there so I could go and look for an air conditioning vent. There was a man standing by the nearest one, fanning himself with a program from the art show. I couldn’t find another air vent anywhere so finally I just approached him. I told him how hot I thought it was in there and then I asked him if I could come over to share the A/C vent with him. He laughed and we struck up a conversation. He was just naturally hot too – in both meanings of the word! Now we have a date next week. If we end up moving in together, our air conditioning bills will be absolutely astronomical!

Heater maintenance