I was confused when she said she wanted her A/C unit repaired.

My mother called me Last weekand asked if I could service her A/C unit.

It was still Winter plus I could not figure out why she needed to have her A/C unit repaired.

I tried to remind her that it was still cold outside plus she shouldn’t be using the air conditioning. She asked what I was talking about plus told me she needed her gas furnace repaired, but she also wanted to have her air conditioning unit cleaned plus inspected. She didn’t recognize it was ever too early to be prepared at this time of year. Here where both of us lived, it was possible to have Winter temperature a single day, plus near Summer rapidly increasing temperatures on the next day. She wanted to be prepared for everything. I promised to call the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C supplier plus make arrangements for them to come to the house. I asked if she had any heat right now, plus she said it was just some odd noises plus odors coming from the air ducts, but it had her worried. Before leaving the house, I made the phone call for mom. I was heading out the door when our work phone rang. My boss was telling me he had an emergency that only I could handle. I knew exactly where I was going even before he said anything. I told him I had made the phone call about a gas furnace service plus air conditioning unit service plus cleaning. I had called for our mom plus I would go there before coming into the office. I prefer being an Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C serviceman, but it would have been easier if mom had just told me she needed this done when I was at her apartment for dinner the day before.

dual fuel system