I was okay with the winter cold

At that point, the heat pump can no longer keep up and our home is cold! Since the people I was with and I live in the northeast, the weather is well below cold for about several straight months

My hubby and I hired a professional building corporation to handle the construction of our new home, and the people I was with and I took his advice for everything from the wiring and plumbing to the heating and cooling system. The people I was with and I should have hired professionals in each of these fields, while the general corporation was knowledgeable and unquestionably helpful in determining the pitch of the roof, location of the windows and numerous building materials, he isn’t qualified to design a plumbing or Heating, Ventilation, and A/C system! He suggested that the people I was with and I install an electric heat pump to manage heating and cooling requirements. Although a heat pump is more lavish to purchase and install than various other types of temperature control, the plan combines heating and cooling capacity into a single unit. This saves space and money, then plus, the heat pump doesn’t burn fossil fuels to generate heat, eliminating a whole bunch of safety risks. The plan is attractively clean, quiet and environmentally friendly, and because it moves heat from a single location to another, it is harshly energy efficient, however during the summer, it acts much love an air conditioner unit and pulls heat from inside the house, however in colder weather, the heat pump reverses direction and works by taking advantage of ambient heat in the outdoor air. This process is super effective and efficient until the outdoor temperature falls below cold. At that point, the heat pump can no longer keep up and our home is cold! Since the people I was with and I live in the northeast, the weather is well below cold for about several straight months. We’re forced to supplement the heat pump with space heaters.



Heat pump