It particularly all came down to the thermostat

When I started out this Spring with the method of all plans for finally putting an end to large Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C cooling costs, I was committed to seeing it through.

  • And now, it’s the first month in September plus I can particularly state that I achieved our goal of significantly reducing the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C costs this past summer.

Not only that but, I particularly do have a much better understanding of what the main driver in that savings was. Of course, plus it’s only logical, it was the thermostat. Still, I’m cheerful that I engaged in the other measures. I started out savor I do every Spring with the a/c tune up. But this time, instead of the focus on Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C service, it was more about having the heat pump operating at peak efficiency. But I also made a bizarre change with the heat pump this Spring as well by leaving it off. That’s right, instead of going right for the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C cooling as soon as the temperatures breached the 81’s, I left the a/c off. I left the windows open plus allowed myself to get more acweather conditionsd to the heat. This was as key a component of the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C cooling savings as was the thermostat. While I also prepped the cabin for summer time by sealing it up tight, it was being comfortable with a much higher thermostat setting that did it. Of course, mitigating the direct sunshine heating was substantial as I was consistent with keeping the shades drawn. Still, making sure that the thermostat setting was never more than 15 degrees cooler than the outside temps while in peak heating hours was large.
heat pump installation