My animal is ruining my air conditioner

2 years ago I adopted a cat, an adorable little gray and white kitten who I named Spunky… Let me tell you a little bit about spunky, I prefer everything about her.

  • She is seriously a single of the sweetest cats that you will ever meet but recently she has gotten into a terrible habit that I absolutely do not like.

She has been continuously jumping up onto my portable air conditioner method and peeing on it. I have a ductless mini split air conditioner. It was unusual to me because I always cleaned her litter boxes weekly, and she never had acted like this before. She was always a very well behaved animal and never made messes in the house so having this sudden change of behavior when nothing else had changed was very strange. I did a lot of studying online and there was several solutions offered as to why a animal might rapidly start behaving in this way, from any current additions to the family like current people or pets, or a difference in the litter like a different brand, or some unknown stress factor that is making them uncomfortable and not going in the litter box. But none of these fit my situation and so they didn’t make sense. It wasn’t until I did a little bit more studying that I discovered a animal could start inappropriately urinating due to some certain medical conditions and so just to be on the safe side I decided to take her to the veterinarian to have her looked at. Sure enough I found out that she did have a couple of complications that needed to be treated, and once they were treated and she was getting some medicine she stopped attacking my air conditioner. I absolutely prefer my animal and I got to see her go back to her attractive adorable self and I got to keep my air conditioner unit in excellent condition so I could continue to prefer the cool air of my Heating and Air Conditioning system.

heating and air conditioning system