My Client Won’t Replace Her HVAC System:

I believe that I’m really good at my job. I recognize that this sounds a tad cocky to say, but it’s the truth. I recognize my strength, because I actually prefer my job. I’m a real estate agent, so I receive a lot of joy from finding families the perfect home for them. Most days, I adore my clients plus I don’t have any trouble with them. However, as of recently, one of my clients has been the largest pain to please. I’m trying my best to sell her home, but it’s been resting on the market for a couple of weeks now. I suggested a few things that might help the client’s home sell faster, but she doesn’t want any help. If she just updated her current heating plus cooling plan with a newer version, her home would look better and have a higher value. As soon as I mentioned replacing her heating and cooling system, she shut down altogether. She was deranged telling myself and others that real estate agents were thieves. Ultimately, I told her that replacing her heating and cooling plan was the only thing that would sell her home faster. She didn’t want to hear any of it. However, she’s decided to replace some parts of her Heating as well as A/C system in the meantime. I recognize that I’m going to have to call the Heating as well as A/C supplier for her, even though I recognize doing this will entirely make the home look better plus sell much faster!

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