My neighbor has a geo heat pump

Some weeks ago all of us had a blackout, as well as it was a big one, and these things happen from time to time around here, however this was the first time it had happened while I was in sizzling weather, and all of us get some pretty evil Wintertide storms around here, so people tend to be prepared come that time of year! No one was expecting a blackout for this long at this time of the year, though.

The lack of deathly cold was a big bonus, of course, however as I said it was hot, so the lack of electricity presented other challenges.

I didn’t suppose how much I relied on a/c until it was no longer there, within a few hours I was losing my mind, as well as for some reason I kept checking the control unit, as if by magic it would come to life before the power came back. It was a easily still day, dead quiet, almost 100 degrees, as well as the lack of cooling was really wearing myself and others down. Then I heard a usual sound, one of my neighbors had their air conditioner running, I could hear the roof components humming in the stillness. I went over as well as had a look, as well as found that my neighbor Hank not only had AC however his whole house was at full power as well as running like usual. It turns out that Hank had long ago invested in a geothermal heat pump, which was buried on his property silently collecting energy… He had enough full power cells to keep his cooling system running full blast for a month, however he didn’t invite myself and others in.


HVAC tune-up