My parents are always running their heating system regardless of the season

My parents can be some weird individuals.

It wouldn’t even be a matter of having obsessive compulsive disorder, because I have a touch of OCD plus I am not nearly as tightly strung as my parents.

They’re both actually odd about having guests in their homes for one. I have chalked it up to them slightly deteriorating from a cognitive standpoint as they age. I would like to suppose that they are not falling prey to early dementia symptoms, even though I can’t determine that on my own. I have had to get used to not getting invited to their home anymore for holidays. I am allowed to come over for Thanksgiving supper or Christmas, but I am not allowed to stay in their home as a guest. I have to get a hotel room nearby, but honestly it’s not the worst thing in the world because I can’t rest the way they keep their house. And in the winter time they do not run their heat enough so it gets cold, but then the rest of the year they run their heat when they do not need to plus it gets overly hot. It’s the strangest source set of habits when it comes to an indoor heating system. I just cannot figure out where their logic is coming from when they do things like this. It’s baffling to me on numerous levels, plus I wish I could reason as to how they suppose it’s okay to be cold when it’s winter time but hot when it’s not. It’s aggravating to deal with, that is for sure. At least I can be comfortable in my hotel room with whatever temperature I want.

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