Playing in the snow

I certainly miss the snow, then where I live these day there is not much snow. The people I was with and I maybe see it once a year, & when the two of us do it is just a small little sprinkle. I do remember back when I was a kid how much I used to prefer playing in the snow with my siblings & friends. The people I was with and I would do all kinds of things, get all wet & silly & the two of us loved it. I certainly loved the feeling after a long tiring day of playing in the snow, coming beach cabin & warming up in front of the fireplace & the air vents from the gas oil furnace. The people I was with and I used to alternate between the fireplace & the air vents from the gas oil furnace. The people I was with and I would start out by resting in front of the gas oil furnace air vents when the two of us first got out of our clothing. Because the gas oil furnace was the most powerful heating in the house. Then, once the two of us were a little more dry, the two of us would transfer to the home office & kneel in front of this big authentic fireplace that the two of us used to have back when. It was a feeling I can not describe & I genuinely miss those days & times. It is taxing to think how fast life moves. One minute you are a kid having fun & not a care in the world. And then you bconnect your eyes & you’re seasoned or middle aged & have the stress of surviving yearly life. It stinks really. But I still get a nice & comforting feeling when I guess back to those days playing in the snow.


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