Saying no

All my friends and family classify me as a people pleaser… I wish I wasn’t, even though I just can’t say no to people or speak up with my own opinions.

  • I hate confrontation and making people unhappy or uncomfortable, so I try and find ways to avoid saying “no” at all costs, however my family has tried to talk to me about the benefits of saying no and sharing my opinions, even though I find it actually hard.

I’d rather tolerate a situation rather than let someone down. For example, I went to a friend’s home the other day for lunch, and it was my first time at her place, but when I walked inside, I could hear her cooling system running at full speed! She gave to take my coat, even though I was hesitant to provide it up. Me being me, I gave her my coat and instantly felt the goosebumps on my skin. It was chilly in her apartment! When I passed the thermostat on the wall, I saw that it was set to 67 degrees! I had never known anyone who willingly set their thermostat to such a low temperature. When every one of us sat down for lunch, my buddy asked me if I needed anything. I wanted to tell her that I was chilly, even though I couldn’t bring myself to say that I wanted her to alter her own thermostat. I could not kneel the thought of telling her I was chilly and uncomfortable, however I was start to shiver, then eventually, she noticed how uncomfortable I was and asked if I was too cold. I shrugged it off, but she instantly changed the temperature on her thermostat for me. She laughed and said all I had to do was ask!
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