Seal up that house – new insulation above and below

Been working really hard to save up money recently.

I don’t have a lot in my name, and I have a lot of big plans lining up for my future life.

Therefore, I need to get some funds together to support my new life plan. I’ve already been doing everything I can, applying for more lucrative jobs, picking up spare gigs to make more money, and cutting back on every expense I can think of. At this point I’m living pretty bare-bones and getting by just fine. The other thing that’s really bothering me though, is my continual expense for heating and cooling the house. There’s not so many solutions in this case. I’ve already had my entire HVAC system upgraded in the past two years, so I know that my furnace and AC unit are highly energy efficient. I’ve had routine service appointments ever since they were installed, and the technicians always tell me that my equipment is in Tip-Top shape. however, the entire house could use a little update. I found out recently that I was losing a lot of energy through my unsealed doors and windows. I also learned that the insulation in the house is at least 20 years old and needs to be replaced. I had a professional HVAC technologist come out and inspect the house, he was quickly able to find energy leakage through the roof and the basement. My newest strategy, therefore, is to call out a host of contractors. They’re on the scene, putting in brand new insulation from both the top and bottom. I’m done playing games and losing money. I’m stealing this air in tight.


Electric heat pump