That was unbearable

There are some people who just overdo something to an extent that is particularly unbearable.

When people say that too much of a fine thing is a awful thing, that is actually true.

My fiance takes that to the drastic with his overwhelming love for air conditioning. His temperature control preferences cause me to have to wear 2 sweatshirts just to find some semblance of warmth & comfort. If I want to get hot inside of our own house, I would be better off opening a refrigerator door to hot myself up. I am not sure how to curb this reliance on air conditioning, because he claims that he cannot be comfortable separate from the cooling system. However, the electricity bill that all of us acquire because of the constant use of our cooling system is through the roof. The cooling system is always running in the Summer because the cooling system cannot keep up with the heat outside, so it never gets down to temperature. I am not sure how to stop this problem, especially because I don’t want marital problems to come because of it. I called the local Heating & Air Conditioning company & asked them what our options could be. The Heating & Air Conditioning specialist told me that I could install zone-controlled heating to allow me to have one area in the house to use our furnace or mild air conditioning. I actually am tired of being cold, so I could make one room our guy cave & love myself with our own Heating & Air Conditioning preferences. Hopefully, our husbandy doesn’t get aggravated because I don’t want to spend time with his in the air-conditioned room.


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