The beauty of smart thermostats

I have to say I am affectionate my smart thermostat more and more each afternoon.

The best thing I appreciate about the smart thermostat is the fact that it runs on typical double A batteries.

I have a problem with the mount of my smart thermostat on the wall in my hallway, so because of it running on batteries I can just place the smart thermostat on a shelf or someplace I want. It does not have to be attached to the wall love a typical thermostat. This and controlling it on my cell PC app makes the smart thermostat the most convenient thermostat ever to exist in my humble opinion. Also with the smart thermostat it helps me save on my electric bills a whole lot. My monthly bills have decreased by more than half what they used to be all year round. That goes for Springtime, summer, fall and winter. I never thought I would be able to have such a savings on my monthly bills from my central heating and cooling system unit. But the appealing and undoubtedly futuristic smart thermostat now makes all of this possible. After experiencing the smart thermostat I do not suppose if I could ever go back to a dial thermostat or a typical digital thermostat. This smart thermostat has become my typical every single afternoon way of life now. Almost the same as how the internet is now a part of my every afternoon way of life. HVAC technology is great!

central heater