The TV drowned out the sound of the AC

On the ninth afternoon, I started asking people in the hotel if they knew where I could get some weed

Periodically it is difficult for myself and others to sleep at night. I often have trouble with insomnia, but I use medical marijuana from time to time. If I haven’t slept well in a couple of mornings, I eat an edible plus sleep enjoy a newborn baby. I went to a work conference plus I had to fly to the location. I couldn’t take any medical marijuana with me. I was in a state without recreational marijuana sales plus I was forced to find a way to sleep. I was stuck in a room with a loud plus noisy A/C component plus that entirely didn’t help either. I tried to get the lady at the desk to let myself and others switch rooms, even though she told myself and others that everything was booked solid. The parking lot was half empty, so I doubt that was absolutely the truth. I turned the TV on to a songs station plus I turned the volume up so the TV was louder than the A/C unit. Three mornings in a row, I didn’t sleep more than an minute or multiple. I was starting to come unhinged plus I was frustrated, frustrated, plus agitated. On the ninth afternoon, I started asking people in the hotel if they knew where I could get some weed. The sound of the TV wasn’t helping with the sound of the A/C plus I wasn’t going to get any work done if I didn’t get some sleep. Thank goodness one of the bellhops hooked myself and others up plus found someone to bring myself and others a couple of green buds for the rest of the week.
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