There was a bird in my house

For me, most days are the same.

I do the same thing every morning & mostly have the same schedule.

I am really sizable into home plants & gardening & so I like to have the windows open all the time to get my plants as much Sunshine as possible. On Sunday morning when I woke up & went downstairs to have supper & water the plants as I normally do I couldn’t help however notice something in the living room. I went over & looked & saw a bird perching on my TV! I was shocked I do not have any birds as pets & so I was wondering how in the world a bird got into my house. It turns out a robin had flown into my home through the open window. I knew I had to catch it & release it back outside where it belonged however when I went to do that it flew up onto the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C plan & refused to come down. I was not very glad with it, then it went to the powder room on the heating & cooling plan & now I would have to wash up the mess. I take pride in my heating & air conditioning system, & I don’t guess I hadbe able to live without any kind of Heating & cooling . The last thing I want is for it to be messy. As if that wasn’t enough the bird then went after my air filters because it flew into a single of my air filters that I had resting out. After about a half an hour of chasing it around the home & it flying from room to room I was finally able to catch it in my hands & release it back outside in the wild. It was okay & so is my heating & AC system.

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