There’s pros and cons to smart HVAC systems

In recent years, we’ve seen big changes in the world. Technology has taken us to iphones, smart watches, electric cars, wireless headphones and more. This technology is constantly developing, continually improving, constantly speeding up and yet also shrinking. It is not beyond imagination to envision this technology miniaturized to the point of a chip that handles the demands of everyday life. As this technology emerges, we will have entered a new age. It is the age of the internet. While many are not happy with this transition, there are significant advantages that come with innovation. One example is the improvements in temperature control. As weather conditions and air quality have become a concern, the HVAC industry has answered. Smart HVAC systems, which are most often found in closely controlled environments such as grocery stores, medical centers and laboratories, have the ability to adjust automatically to minor shifts in temperature, humidity levels, and air movement. They can be adjusted remotely via any smart device with internet connectivity. They can be programmed on the basis of energy use to better control utility costs and impact on the environment. They are more compact than traditional HVAC systems yet last longer because they are more efficient. As with any technology, they are not 100% without some risk. The greatest problem with any smart HVAC systems is hacking. Smart HVAC systems can be linked to the internet as well as combined with other devices, such as personal computers, smartphones and etc… They create a point of vulnerability. This is as true for smart HVAC systems as it is for any other internet technology we’ve already introduced. The idea is not to shy away from smart HVAC, but to be smart about it.

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