Thermostat was ready for summer

Occasionally I really do get freaked out about the technological developments that have been happening in our society for several decades now.

I suppose that my friend and I are advancing technology way faster than my friend and I can begin to understand it.

The closer my friend and I get to developing artificial intelligence, the more paranoid and worried I get about the idea. If you are anything like me, you are starting to believe that there are too many smart devices already in use on this planet, then personally, I wish that I had less smart gadgets in my life. Namely, this smart temperature control absolutely drives me insane. I do not suppose that this smart air temperature control component is really as intelligent as people chalk it up to be, but supposedly, the temperature control is supposed to absolutely regulate your indoor air temperature control system by detecting when people are present in the condo and requiring indoor air quality control. It is supposed to create a more energy efficient condo with lower utility bills every month. You are also supposed to be seriously happy about the option to change your indoor air temperature and air quality with the click of a button on your cell phone, and however, I cannot say that any of his heating, cooling, and air quality control measures really work the way they are supposed to. In fact, my smart temperature control seems like it has a life of its own. The other morning, it clearly decided that it was sleepy of the long and brutally freezing winter season… I only found out when I realized that my stupid temperature control had changed our temperature control plan to the Summer settings. No wonder the cooling system was abruptly running.

temperature control