This is pure madness

Filters are designed to remove these hazards from your home or office but, once they are filled with bacteria, they need to be removed

I am sure you have previously heard about the spread of disease that has grown more urgent of late in our country. There are many reasons for this however the most crucial and ridiculous one involves the lack of education. In any case, the best way to try to avoid coming in contact with this illness is to avoid entering hospitals and dentists offices as much as possible. Of course, simply washing your hands and avoiding others who are very sick plays a sizable role in this as well. There is one thing that I know many people don’t consider when trying to stay healthy. Every single one of us disinfect the surfaces in our home, try and keep it all clean and avoid hazards, but, how may consider the HVAC system in their residential homes or businesses? I would easily venture to say, not many. Whenever the two of us have a bout with respiratory flu or colds in our home I change the filter in our HVAC system. Even at times when it is not the busy time for it to be replaced I change it I still do it often because I want any germs or bacteria out of our house. If people would only stop and realize that easy steps, love decreasing your filter, could actually save them from continually spreading germs that can be making their entire family or coworkers sick. Filters are designed to remove these hazards from your home or office but, once they are filled with bacteria, they need to be removed. A fresh filter is an inextravagant way to work to keep you safe. I consistently keep a supply of them in the old basement so I don’t have to worry about it.

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