We actually feel safe with quality air purification equipment

Both my fiance & I have numerous family members that have been entirely affected by the Coronavirus! It hit our community hard where the two of us live & numerous of our friends were affected also.

My fiance & I were being completely careful from the beginning.

We were wearing masks & the two of us were sanitizing our hands often. Still, the two of us were totally sad when our friends & family members were totally getting sick. My fiance recommended that we purchase an air cleaner for our residence. I agreed to speak with an HVAC supplier, so my fiance chose to make an appointment with a corporation that installs air filtration machines. I had a talk with the HVAC supplier extensively about the equipment & my fiance & I made a choice to install two room air cleaners. One of the air cleaners is right by the entrance of the residence & the other air cleaner is in the living section where the two of us relax all of the time. I sincerely thought the air cleaner would be super loud & annoying, although I can’t even hear it running when the television is on. The air cleaners will totally help eliminate the virus & other indoor pollutants like ragweed, dust, pollen, & pet dander. It’s going to be quite some time before the two of us can return to any style of normal life until the virus is under control. I definitely want my fiance & I to be as safe as possible getting through this thing. If that means using an air cleaner & a good amount of hand sanitizer every single month, then that is easily what we are going to do.

Air conditioner install