Winter is a tough time of the year

If you are anything like me you have had an on-and-off relationship with smoking cigarettes.

  • I can admit right now, I am not proud of the habit.

Unfortunately, I started smoking when I was about 16 years old. Just like all of the public education programs told us, I only started smoking cigarettes because of the social group that I was in. I didn’t want to be left out when all of my peers were regularly standing outside and enjoying a smoke together. Therefore, I started picking up the unfortunate habit at an early age. To this day, I struggle with periods of buying cigarettes. However, I can tell you that there is one time of year when I very easily pass on the unwanted affliction. The dead of winter is not a time for anybody to smoke. If you have ever lived through a bitterly cold midwest winter, you know that they are nothing to sneeze at. Every day the outdoor air temperature is below 0 degrees. To stay comfortable you have to rely on several indoor air temperature control units throughout the entire season. It is rarely enough to rely on a central forced air furnace for the solid 6 months of cold air. In fact, most people appreciate utilizing a forced air furnace in tandem with a traditional fireplace. After that, it’s also recommended that you keep a few space heaters on hand just in case disaster strikes with your traditional furnace. All of this being said, standing outside in the arctic air to puff on a cigarette is not very attractive around here. It’s hard to even enjoy the cancer stick while you are shivering in your boots and you dream of modern HVAC.

furnace/heater tune-up