Worth getting ductless HVAC in the shed

My condo came with a little shed that was supposed to be a place to keep tools; Since I am not a handy category of gal, I turned it into a home gym. I bought two folding mats, a jump rope, hand weights, wobble board, hooks and all sorts of fun things to outfit the space. I hastily realized that the temperature control was going to be an issue. I had to tear down all the drywall and add insulation. I then needed to invest in new windows that could open and let in a breeze. I thought I could simply buy a little gas furnace and window cooling machine and call it a day, and nope, that didn’t work well at all. I needed a lot more push if I didn’t want to freeze and sweat to death when working out. The best thing I ever did was invest in a ductless mini split for our workout space. I have both HVAC in a single unit. I even spent more and got a smart temperature control installed. So I can set the temperature in our shed right before I want to work out. I can do it from my phone, computer or computer if I want. I give myself enough time to get ready, warm up and for my home gym to be the proper temperature. Then I can work out in a perfectly climate controlled space. It was extra getting my workout shed the way I wanted it. I don’t regret anything I have bought though. I look ahead to working out every single day.

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