Asked for an HVAC worker recommendation – he was his grandson!

You absolutely have to be careful about what you believe, however a lot of people are willing to blindly follow everything that they see and hear, because they do not have the critical thinking skills to question the information that comes pouring in.

  • I try my best to be educated and aware when it comes to any information that I am potentially accepting into my life.

This is especially true now that I have found out that my coworkers cannot be trusted to offer tolerable advice. Recently, I thought it would be a nice idea to ask for some opinions from my co-workers about heating, cooling, and air quality control maintenance shops. I have not lived in this part for long and my indoor air temperature control system needs a lot of improvement. However, I have not wanted to shell out extra money for my indoor air handling devices before I could find a reputable air quality control specialist to perform the job. I absolutely do not want to hire an HVAC supplier that will do shoddy work or sell me low quality heating, cooling, and air quality control equipment. That’s when I decided to ask my friends at the office about their indoor air quality control workers. My oldest coworker vehemently insisted that I hire a particular HVAC worker who consistently did amazing work on his furnace and air conditioning, then of course, I took his advice and contacted heating, cooling, and air quality control worker. He seemed expertiseable enough and I decided to hire him for the HVAC replacement, but when I went into the office the next week, my co-worker was overjoyed that I hired his grandson. Oh.

air conditioning workman