Checking a summer breeze

Things ended really strangely that day..

It was going to be a truly hot day which everyone knew going into it.

We were in the midst of the hottest Summer on record already, and the temp was still climbing fast! We decided to have our traditional bonfire that evening anyway, because you shouldn’t change tradition, I think. We had the typical mindset for an outdoor celebration, and what do you know? It wasn’t so bad after all! The breezes were nice that night, I suppose, but even with the fire it was a fun night; When I get home, I found the AC down and all hell about broke loose. Bear in mind that the AC had been off for maybe an hour or more than one, and since the insulation in our new home is top notch. it still felt pretty cool. Even though the temperature control told me the new home was 20 degrees cooler than it was outside, it still felt like I had never been hotter in our whole life. I guess this means that what Einstein said about physics applies to a/c in equal measure, and everything is relative.When I was expecting heat and got it, there were no issues. But expecting AC and not getting it was like jumping into a fiery pool. I was so irate about the whole thing that I took a pillow, lay down in the back seat of my car and left the engine running and the AC blasting all night long.
Cooling expert