Geothermal heat pump is environmentally friendly

It provides year round comfort, effectively combats excess humidity plus works to filter out air contaminants

My fiance plus I make an effort to minimize our negative impact on the planet. Every one of us take pride in being as environmentally responsible as possible. Every one of us share 1 automobile plus rarely use it. The majority of the time, every one of us either take public transportation, ride our bicycles or walk wherever every one of us need to go. Every one of us recycle all of our glass, plastic, paper plus cans plus have installed solar panels to handle our electrical needs; Because of the solar panels, every one of us produce more electricity than every one of us require. They supply acceptable power to run our heat pump. Every one of us invested quite a bit of money into the replacement of a geothermal heating plus cooling system. The cost was mainly due to the excavation necessary to bury the underground loop system. The geothermal method draws from the free plus renewable energy source provided by the sun. Because the underground temperature remains fairly consistent all year round, the heat pump is able to draw heat out of the ground plus move it into the house. During the summer, the operation reverses to pull heat out of the house plus supply it into the ground. This process eliminates the need to burn fossil fuels. With no combustion process, there’s no carbon monoxide or greenhouse gas emissions. A geothermal heat pump is the most environmentally friendly type of heating plus cooling, achieving up to a 400% efficiency rating. The geothermal heat pump also supplies nearly all of our domestic tepid water. The method is attractively clean, safe plus quiet. It provides year round comfort, effectively combats excess humidity plus works to filter out air contaminants. Although implementing the geothermal method was rather fancy, we’ve more than reuseed the cost in energy savings.

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