I care about watching true crime shows

More than anything else that comes out on TV, I care about to watch true crime shows as well as documentaries about serial killers, however my fiance regularly jokes around as well as asks me if he should be upset about the way that I know everything about murder as well as getting away with it! I just laugh because I’m entirely not a violent guy in the least.

I just care about studying about true crime as well as serial killers for some reason.

I suppose that it’s fascinating, and anyway, the other afternoon I was watching this show as well as they started talking about this guy who escaped the authorities because he covered up his crimes for so long. The way that he covered up his crimes was by turning the a/c plan down in the apartment where he left his victims! He turned the thermostat in the apartment down as far as it would go. I suppose they said the temperature setting on the thermostat was at 58 degrees. I think the cooler you keep the house, the less decay will set in. This was entirely disgusting, despite the fact that I think he basically kept the a/c so freezing in the apartment that nobody even observed the odor until he was long gone. It was like many weeks later before anyone observed that there was anything amiss at all. I was shocked because I had no plan that using the a/c that way would work! You learn something current every afternoon, as well as that’s the truth. I didn’t tell our fiance about this show, because I was planning to get an tune up as well as I didn’t want him to worry.



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