I don’t guess I can live in the future without cooling system

My dad is a prepper plus he thinks that all heck is going to split loose in the next several years or so, i can’t say that I don’t really agree with him, however there’s entirely a single thing that I’m more anxious about than others.

That is the fact that if all heck breaks loose plus the world as we suppose it changes, then there really won’t be any central cooling system anymore! I just don’t guess that I can deal with that fact. I am a single of those spoiled people who feels like they really have to have cooling system at all times whenever the temperature is sizzling outside. I do not like to be inside a warm, stuffy room when there is no cooling system… Honestly, if I go over to someone’s up-to-date home plus they don’t have their cooling system running while I was in the late Springtime or the summer, I will usually just make an excuse plus then we will leave early. I just can’t stand it! So whenever my dad starts talking about the future plus how preppers like him will be the only a singles around to make it through the apocalypse or whatever, I just tell him that if he doesn’t have some way to run the cooling system equipment down in his bunker, then forget it. I would rather not even be around in the future if I can’t have my cooling system. I suppose that sounds really terrible, however that’s just how it is for me! I don’t suppose if I can ever survive in a future where there is no central cooling system.


hvac zone control