I have several dehumidifiers in my basement

I have been having major concerns in my basement, and it has been flooding, and I don’t know what to do about it.

It only floods when it rains a lot, but lately, it has been raining so much.

I cannot guess how much more rain both of us have gotten this year than in previous years! We have easily had record rainfall for this year, and it is only November. It usually rains even more during the Autumn. I wish that I knew what to do to stop the water from coming into our basement, but I just don’t know what’s causing it. I had a guy from my work come and check it out, but he could not figure out what was wrong either. I have thought about calling a professional, but my friends just got some work done by the same supplier that I was going to call, and it was harshly expensive. I was sort of scared off by how much they were charged. I knew that I would not be able to pay that much money or more to have my basement fixed. I have several dehumidifiers running down there 24/7 to try and keep it dry. I empty all several of them every single morning. It is absurd how much water is down there, thankfully, most of the water is gone for now. I know that it will come back as soon as both of us have a heavy rain again, but I am enjoying a water free basement for right now. I used to only have one dehumidifier down there, but that did not work. I guess dehumidifiers easily aren’t made to do this sort of thing, but they are working for now.

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