Is it just me?

It easily makes a lot of things difficult for me

I was easily wondering if anyone else has the same issue I do. That issue is when I am around any category of portable space gas furnace our dust irritations flare up! It easily puts a damper on energy savings for myself and others since I can not use portable space furnaces because of this fact, then maybe it’s the category of air that comes out of the space gas furnace that does it? Or maybe it’s what the portable space furnaces are made of now mornings which sets off our dust irritations; Whatever the case, portable space furnaces are just not for me; Portable air conditioner systems on the other hand are just fine. And I have a easily nice portable air conditioner system in our home. The portable air conditioner system gets myself and others through the super hot summer time weeks of the year without having to go overboard on using the central air conditioner system. This saves myself and others a lot of money when it comes time for the bi-weekly electric bills, that is for sure. I just wish I could do the same thing in the frosty Wintertide weeks of the year with a portable space heater! I have the most messed up dust irritations anyone can imagine. It is almost like anything and everything sets them off. The smallest amount of exhausting air quality or the smallest amount of dust in the air. It easily makes a lot of things difficult for me. And if you are wondering, yes, I have thought about getting a whole home whole-house air purifier into our home. But those things are just too gosh darn high-priced! So I do what I can.
Heating corp