My new apartment is much nicer because it has central air conditioner

My new apartment is much nicer because it has central air conditioner. I have never had a apartment with central air conditioner before this house. It is actually nice. I used to only have window air conditioner units… Growing up, the people I was with and I didn’t have any genre of air conditioner! All of us just opened the windows when it got hot. I didn’t really have air conditioner until I married our husband, he was used to having air conditioner, so the people I was with and I purchased several window air conditioner units for our first apartment together. It was so nice to have air conditioner for the first time. I didn’t even suppose that central air conditioner was a thing back then. I wasn’t actually sheltered, but our family was poor, so the people I was with and I had a lot of terrible friends, but none of our friends growing up had air conditioner. I knew that window air conditioner units were a thing because our Grandma had a single window air conditioner unit in her little trailer. I used to suppose it was so cool to go as well as stand in front of her window air conditioner unit just for fun when it was boiling outside. That is the only a/c that I ever actually paid attention to until I got married to our husband. I was totally good with our window air conditioner units, but when the people I was with and I first looked at the apartment that the people I was with and I are in now, I realized that central air conditioner was a thing. I thought that it was so cool. It is so nice to have the entire apartment the same temperature, now that the people I was with and I have central air conditioner.


Electric heating