My rich sister gets a new HVAC system

My sister is kind of getting out of control when it comes to her purchases.

She’s always had an expensive taste and I think now that she actually has money to spend on the things that she wants, it’s starting to get out of control.

Every time I go over to her house it seems like she’s bought a new crazy item that’s extremely expensive. I don’t know how she has this kind of money and I’m starting to worry that she’s going to go into debt if she doesn’t get her shopping habits under control. Last week when I went over to her house I noticed that there was an HVAC technician van outside her house. I walked inside and was worried that something was wrong with her HVAC system. However, once I talked to my sister she informed me that nothing was wrong with her current HVAC system but they wanted me to install a brand new heating and cooling system just because they can. I asked her what the point of installing a brand new HVAC system was and she told me there wasn’t really a point but she wanted it. I know installing a brand new HVAC system is extremely expensive and I wonder why I should want to spend money like that just because. I think I’m gonna have to have a serious talk with my sister about her spending habits because she is starting to really worry me. I hope that she doesn’t have a problem..

Cooling system