No a single told me that adopting puppy required new Heating in addition to A/C setup

Sometimes you do not believe what you’re getting into until it’s too late. This has truly been the case in our life as it pertains to tasks, educational prospects, and relationships. It has also bit me in the butt numerous times in relation to living situations and even pet adoption ideas. When I was younger I was obsessed with the system of rescuing as numerous animals as possible. However, life got complicated and I never got around to it. A few months ago when our friend contacted me and asked if I could help to take care of an adorable new puppy I immediately jumped at the opportunity, then nobody ever told me what I was getting into. Namely, that our entire heating and cooling plan was about to change. Apparently, when you adopt a puppy you have to be very cautious about your indoor air pollen levels and air temperature. The tiny animals require a lot of indoor air temperature control, air quality management, and extra heat. Because they are so small and fragile, puppies require additional heat to be pumped into their surrounding environment. Of course, I adopted a dog in the middle of Summer when our air conditioner plan was running at full blast… Suddenly, I could not utilize our A/C plan and keep the puppy comfortable all day… Even with overhead heat lamps providing additional warm to the tiny critter, he was still too cold. The next thing I knew, I was installing a mini split ductless heating and cooling plan to keep our puppy warm. My air conditioner plan was powered down and our new heating plan was being utilized. It’s been the hottest and sweatiest Summer of our life, however it’s worth it for this puppy.


Air conditioner install