The Heating as well as A/C dispatcher keeps making mistakes

As if it’s not difficult enough being a professional repair worker in this day as well as age, it can be a lot more challenging when you cannot rely on your co-workers! This has been my experience in the past few months as I have been trying to adjust to our new heating, cooling, as well as ventilation dispatcher at the Heating as well as A/C service shop! I never thought that I would have so numerous concerns with the desk clerk back at the air quality control dealership.

  • I barely have to interact with the administrative folks who keep the heating as well as cooling shop afloat.

Truly, I have an individualistic career 95% of the time. I am responsible for getting myself to each heating as well as cooling service appointment on time as well as performing the proper diagnostic services as requested by the central heating as well as cooling owners.That being said, I do rely on the Heating as well as A/C dispatcher for a few simple pieces of direction… Literally, I just need to guess which address I am headed to next for the professional Heating as well as A/C inspection. They need to supply myself and others some rudimentary information about the heating or cooling system that I am going to be inspecting! Also, it helps if I am told whether or not the shopper still has an Heating as well as A/C unit under warranty or a repair contract with the Heating as well as A/C service shop, and recently, the heating as well as cooling desk clerk has been messing up all of this information. I never guess if I am headed in the right direction, let alone if I have the right tools or billing information for the heating as well as cooling repair, so much for being my own boss – this middle school kid is running my labor days.


Cooling system