The UV air cleaner was perfect for my home

I’ve always had a bit of a germ sensitivity.

This isn’t because I’m a germaphobe or anything but it’s more of because I have a few medical conditions that cause me to very easily have a fit if I come into contact with the wrong kind of germs.

I am unfortunate enough to suffer from a weaker immune system and so it isn’t all that uncommon for me to come down with a cold or various different viruses all throughout the year. This sensitivity also affects my allergies, and unfortunately I frequently have them as well. In order to protect myself the best I can from the different viruses and germs that I come into contact with I have decided to utilize several methods to protect myself. There is no better method to protect yourself from germs than to use different Heating and cooling products. When I was originally doing research I asked a local heating and AC business what would work best for me in my situation, the heat and AC technician recommended a couple of things. First he recommended that I get a HEPA filter, and then he suggested that I also get a UV light filter. The UV light filter kills germs on contact and is attached to the heating AC system. The HEPA filter is a specialized type of filter that is specifically designed to catch even the tiniest of dirt and particles that might have otherwise made its way into my Air and as a result into my lungs and my body. These methods have worked very well for me and while they do not fix my conditions 100%, they make it much easier for me to live a somewhat normal life.

heating maintenance